Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day #8 - HECTIC

Our prompt for Day #8 is:  hectic.  Sometimes, our lives seem jampacked with things that must be done.  We run from here to there and back again.  How do you interpret the prompt?  If you're like me, you're well acquainted a daily, hectic schedule.  Here's my offering for today's prompt:


I thought I was retired.
A magazine to prepare,
A radio show to write.
One book to promote,
another to create.
And what about the poetry prompts?
Mercy, mercy, me!
Should this hectic pace continue,
I’ll need to retire from retirement.
But what can I do
when those things that take so much time
are the things I so love doing?
Hectic my life may sometimes be,
but it’s a life I wouldn’t trade for anything.

1 comment:

Linda deGreif said...

Why do we do it?
Run here and there
And race against time
Not a moment to spare

And how do we figure
Life will be better
If we rush and we rush
From here to there

With all of our time
Being counted by seconds
For now just an hour
Try not to be so hectic.