Friday, January 14, 2011


We’re finally back up and running (both the computer and me). I’ve been obsessed with working on a website and podcast venture, and the extent of that obsession became evident a couple of days ago when I realized I was writing a poem for a word prompt based on the wrong letter. The computer and I shut down at about the same time, and I took the ensuing mini-break to evaluate my priorities. None of this has anything to do with today’s prompt, though. Or maybe it does. Synonyms for this week’s word prompt – jaded – include: tired, weary and spent. Adjusting our time accordingly, to give the best of ourselves to each responsibility, without overtaxing ourselves, might lessen our jaded approach to life.


Attempts to quell the anger
and all it may comprise
are lost within my cynical self
when seen through jaded eyes.

In spite of good intentions,
it appears to be unwise
to trust the scene in front of me
when seen through jaded eyes.

The good, the bad comingle,
but no sudden compromise
diminishes the world I’ve seen
through saddened, jaded eyes.