There are now only ten days left in our poetic journey through the alphabet, and what a journey it's been. The prompt for Day #17 is: queue. This word can mean a braid of hair hanging down the back, a file or a line of people waiting for something, or (for our beloved computer geeks) an organized sequence of data or messages. How does "queue" infuse your muse? Below is my lyrical attempt.
A sale would start in minutes.
For shoppers old and new,
like pilgrims on a sacred quest,
anticipation grew.
Before the doors were opened,
a booming voice rolled through:
“Settle down, wait your turn,
and form into a queue.”
A ticket window sign said “closed”
and all who stood there knew
that when the tickets went on sale,
there'd be a ballyhoo.
A giant man approached the crowd
his job was to subdue:
“Settle down, wait your turn,
and form into a queue.”
An unexpected tragedy
brought death to quite a few.
The angry mob outside the Gates
could not believe it true.
But trying to restore control,
St. Peter’s whistle blew:
“Settle down, wait your turn,
and form into a queue.”