Thursday, August 12, 2010

Prompt #19 - STONE

Welcome back! The A Muse Fuse Poem-A-Day Challenge is now behind us. It’s time to move forward with our regular weekly prompts. While the Challenge was fun, I’m glad things are back to normal. As we return to our journey through the alphabet, we begin with the letter “S” and the word prompt this week is “stone.” Next week marks the third anniversary of my father’s death. My poem for this prompt seemed to write itself and is my tribute to this wonderful man who I think about every day.

For Dan Schoeffield, 3/27/1920-8/20/2007

The stone stands there to remind me
of the loneliness I have felt
since the day you were taken away
and the body blow I was dealt.

The stone stands there to remind me
of laughter I no longer hear,
of wisdom you shared with me daily,
of comfort to vanquish the fear.

The stone stands there to remind me
of happier times in the past
when I was embraced by you presence,
a time that escaped us too fast.

The stone stands there to remind me
of memories I still hold dear.
The pain of the loss never lessens
for the dad who is no longer here.