Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day #26 - ZEUS

We’ve reached the last letter of the alphabet, which means we’ve reached the end of the First Annual 26 Days in July Poem-A-Day Challenge. Many people have stopped by since our first prompt on July 6th, and while I’m disappointed that more didn’t have the opportunity to participate, I’m at least proud of myself for sticking with it. When all is said and done, I’ll look back on July as a month in which I wrote 26 poems. Some are pretty good, some are just okay, and some are downright awful. But, from my own perspective, this Challenge has been a huge success. I’ve looked at words I might not normally think of as particularly poetic and tried to infuse them with my muse. I didn’t always succeed, but I had fun trying. I’m hoping to bring the poem challenge back next year in January and then, again, in July. Why, you might well ask? It’s all for the love of poetry … and why the Zeus not?


My well of creativity
has dried up from misuse.
I guess it’s time I face it:
I’m not cummings, Frost or Seuss!

The last prompt, and my muse is dead.
I’ve nothing to produce.
I’ve no words to inspire you,
enlighten or seduce.

And, so, I struggle with this prompt.
I guess I’m just obtuse.
But how can I write poetry
about the Greek god, Zeus?

Thanks, everyone, for stopping by. I hope you’ve enjoyed our sojourn through the alphabet. See you back here on August 12, 2010, when we resume our regular weekly prompts, starting with the letter “S.”