Friday, July 9, 2010

Day #4 - DELUGE

Day #4 of the A Muse Fuse Poem-A-Day Challenge brings us the poetry prompt "deluge."  After so many days of record-breaking heat, without a rainy cloud in sight, it seems an appropriate choice.  Let your inspiration pour down from the skies as you create from this prompt.  Preoccupied with our lack of rain, here's my offering for today:


Brown grass and dead plants.
A deluge might be welcome if
it would revive us.

1 comment:

Lynda deGreif said...

The colors of fabrics
The nose of the street vendors
The smell of the frying food
The sounds of the cars
The harsh reality of sin
The callous bump and grind
The call of the urban wild
The hollow face enshrined
The senses cannot handle
My brain is shutting down
Through the deluge of modern life
I seek the heavenly climb.