Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day #2 - BRAG

Day #2 of the A Muse Fuse Poem-A-Day Challenge brings with it the prompt "brag." Sometimes, we have much to brag about; sometimes, not so much. I found myself rather introspective on this one. See how your own, inner muse responds to this prompt. Here's my attempt:


Do I have anything to brag about?
I could talk for hours about myself:
what I’ve done, where I’ve been,
where I’m going.
In the overall scheme of things, though,
my accomplishments are few.
For example, as an author and poet,
I’ve written things I’m proud of
and things that were best left unread,
not to mention, left unwritten.
My achievements are better defined
if I’ve been there for a friend;
if I’ve heeded the call of a worthy cause;
if I can lend a hand to a stranger.
And if I can do all those things,
without the need for self-promotion
without expecting something in return,
that would be something to brag about.

1 comment:

Lynda deGreif said...

She sits so cute
In her red shoes
With bows, no laces
Shiny and new

And in a loud voice
For the entire park to hear
She says to her Nanny
Aren’t I so dear

I have my red shoes on
She says nice and loud
The ones with the bows
She says so very proud

But Nanny just says Shhh
Darling child not so loud
As it is not polite to brag
In the park with a crowd

She looks at Nanny
With eyes ever so big
And says once again loud
I really don’t give a fig

I am so very cute
In my little red shoes
With the bows and no ties
She said to brag and brag

So Nanny stood up
And took off the shoes
And told the child
Now you will walk with no shoes

And you will learn that to brag
Leads to rags and not riches
And to stay humble and quiet
Brings you love and riches.